Wednesday, January 21, 2009


my life is boring and has no meaning. i don't even know how i mustered enough energy to write this. all i do is wake up at 6:30. shower/eat. go to school. go to class. try to do homework. come home from school. try to do homework. find all the things the internet (and life at the moment for that matter.....) has to offer are boring. maybe eat dinner. go to sleep.

friends are non-existent. i seem to be the alternate friend or the alternate to an alternate friend. am i really that boring? i know this post probably makes me seem like the most depressing person on the planet....but i mean really? it sucks being rejected over and over again.


p.s. sorry for being such a negative nelly.


  1. Hey, if it makes you feel better i moved to florida and i'm still freezing my ass off. it's been in the 20's and 30's for almost a week now-granted mostly at night. I might have to come visit you to warm up. It seems like you have internet access, so you're probably caught up-but just in case- everyone survived the plane crash; Obama's inaugaration had almost 2million people yet their wasnt a single arrest(maybe we're not all going to hell just yet); the Pittsburgh Steelers & Arizona Cardinals are playing in the Super Bowl, just a few miles(5.6m from home, 2.7m from work to be exact) from me, though they moved the Lingerie Bowl to a private resort-bummer!.. Not that it will help much, but its takin a while to get my fun on down here too. But its slowly(emphasis on slowly) gettin there. Readin your blog is definitely entertaining. Dont know if you read this, unsure how else to chat with ya.-Aaron (formerly of Fox Point Outback)

  2. I love you and miss you if that makes you feel better. I hope things pick up for you soon. I am sure you'll find some good peoples just give it a little time.

  3. thanks! i know things will get better.....

    so, i saw that this hawk person started following my blog and i was like, who is this crazy person. then i read the comment....then i thought at least he's a nice crazy person. the i found out it was just you aaron! just kidding! thanks, for the comment! and thanks for finding my life entertaining!

    toodles, must go off to class now!
