Monday, February 2, 2009


so, i don't have school today because of some holiday. i believe it's constitution day. but i could be mistaken. i also happen to be a little under the weather. i have a killer sore throat. i always seem to lose my voice at least one time during winter. i know it may not exactly be "winter" down here but the hot days and cool nights do a number on your well as gulping down salty ocean water and hanging out with, since i have loads of free time, i'll fill you in about my life! doesn't that sound like a wonderful idea!?!??! no? too bad, cause here i go!

nothing interesting happened on sunday or monday, so we are going to skip over those days.

after school on tuesday i went to the beach with delfin 3. we were the only crazies to go into the water. because it was like 5pm and the sun had gone down so it was kind of cold. actually it was freezing, in terms of ideal weather for going to the beach. after we couldn't take anymore of the cold we headed to the car only to find out that non-delfin was working! so we stopped by and chatted with him. he gave us free drinks and later on a free espresso! score! we also made plans to do something the next day. score again!

the next day i had to go to an interview for my internship. it's at a real estate place. the whole interview was in english because the owner's are american and we deal with a lot of english customers from the u.s. and canada. i was kinda disappointed and relieved at the same time. i will have to speak spanish occasionally when dealing with mexican business owners to create a realtionship with them so that we can advertise with i guess i will be using my spanish skillz after all.

after the interview i met up with the guys and "galleta", a friend of theirs. we walked around one of the plaza in the historic center and drank coffee. we then chatted it up at galleta's house and they made fun of my spanish pronunciation and my lacking of the ability to roll my r's. they also found out i had a tattoo. they all thought it was cool. galleta then said she wanted one. who would have thought that i would be an advocate and inspirer (is that how you spell it, is it even a word?!?!) of people getting tattoos. i bet my parent's are oh so proud....i love you mommy and daddy!

galleta was getting tired so we left and headed home only to see the guy who looks like obama and the "first lady"! so we went into the bar where they were and chatted until 1am. i need to stop staying out so late!

on thursday i went out again! this time only until 11pm. this time we went to an "irish" pub. everyone from the previous night was there except galleta. we chatted and chatted. well, i mostly listened and was there for comic relief because my lack of spanish fluency. it was all in good fun though. although sometimes i get a little depressed that i can't understand everything. but they tell me they don't care and that in time i will be able to communicate with little problem.

at the pub we also got our picture taken. the newspaper takes pictures of people at "hot spots" and puts it up on a sister website about how hopping the city of mazatlan is. i checked the website a couple of days later and i found our pictures up there. it even has my name in the caption! i'm famous....AGAIN! not really, but i would like to think so. i will put the link and directions on how to find the pics at the bottom....there is no link directly to the pics, so you will have to navigate through some spanish mumbo jumbo....but it's worth it!

on friday i went to the beach with the same people as the night before. obama went surfing, the first lady tested the water and found it too cold for her liking, and non-delfin is somewhat afraid of the ocean, so delfin 3 and i were the only ones who went swimming. it was cold again, but i just love swimming so much! i am truly a dolphin! jajajajajaja!

after the beach delfin 3, non-delfin (who's actually delfin 5 now...don't's a huge crazy mess and nobody really knows what's going on anymore... :P), and i went to delfin 3's house to chill. delfin 3 wanted to see where i live so he opened up google earth and i went on a quest to find my house. has anyone used google earth? if not, i recommend it to EVERYONE! i saw my little house in oak creek so close, it seriously looked like we were 10 feet away from it! we saw it from the ground view, like i was standing in the corn field across from my house looking at it! the picture quality was so amazing! they guys thought it was so cool so see my house. i was so impressed. we tried looking at delfin 3's house, but mexico isn't documented as well, so we could only see the top of his house.

after that, delfin 5 and i went home to shower and change so we could go out and party again!

once we arrived back at delfin 3's house we jammed to music. and do you know what music they were playing? come on eileen and take on me! 2 of the greatest songs of the 80's! but, they were remakes, so they thought that these were new songs! jajajaja! they had no idea that the songs they were listening to weren't the originals! so i enlightened them by playing the originals on youtube. they thought it was sweet that i knew about it.

once the rest of los delfines arrived we went to a house party that was 3 blocks away from where i live. they were playing psycho (like dance/techno/electronic except way cooler!) the guys always try to get to break out of my shell and want me to dance psycho with them. it always takes a while for me to get comfortable but eventually i do. we were probably the only ones dancing, but we had a great time. after dancing we chatted it up with some peeps. everyone always gets a kick out of talking to me. i mean, what is a gringa from wisconsin doing, hanging out with a bunch of mexican guys and dancing all crazy like to psycho? i think it's probably also refreshing that i don't speak in english.

after chatting for a little while the po-po came. they told us we were too loud and that the party was over. so delfin 3 and i went into the house's garage area and danced psycho. we were the only ones dancing. we got lots of crazy looks. one guy said...hey, i know that ballerina! (referring to delfin 3) it was funny, you had to be there. delfin 3 also said that i had great "flow" and all the other delfines agreed that it was impressive. what can i say? i don't think they realize how much i love listening to techno/dance music. i probably like it more than them and when i'm with my sister we just go crazy! BBBLLLLLAAHHHHH!!!!!!! we then went on a beer run. and delfin 1 bought be my customary strawberry fanta! we returned to the party that was supposedly over. we talked outside of some guys house while listening to music that was playing one of the guy's car. at 3 am we finally called it quits.
i slept until 1pm on saturday. i needed it because i was going to beach again that day! this time i went with delfines 1 and 3. the water was cold again. it was really funny because they had goosebumps and were obviously really cold, while i was slightly cool. they don't have the thick wisconsin blood like i do! go WISCONSIN!!!! once we couldn't take the cold anymore we went our separate ways to change and get ready for the night's festivities.

i got ready at delfin 3's house so i wouldn't have to spend money and time taking the bus. his brother and him got were amused by the fact that i brought my hair dryer and straightener. delfin 3 told me i could bring my suitcase if i wanted to....i don't think he realized i actually would! ok, i didn't bring my suitcase, but i brought enough stuff that it seemed like i did......

after getting ready, i fell asleep for 2 hours. i don't know what it is about watching x-men 3 and making me tired, but i zonked out.....or maybe it was running/swimming around in the water and partying too much....but who knows! after waking up i had cream of mushroom soup with some sort of quesadilla thing at delfin 3's house. we then proceeded to get gas, money, and delfin1.

after retrieving delfin 1 we walked around the plaza. we saw these rastafarian drum playing and dancing people. it was cool. we then went to a bar. it was too full so we tried to go to the irish pub that i had been to earlier in the week, but we couldn't get in. it was because i was american and didn't have proof of being in mexico legally...or something like that. they didn't want immigration to come! so, we decided to go pick up delfin 5 at work.

once delfin 5 was in tow we went to a restaurant parking lot near the beach and started to pistear! which means, was a little boring and i was pretty tired. so we decided to go to frogs! senor frogs is a huge restaurant/club chain. it started in mazatlan, so we had to go so i could experience it. i almost wasn't allowed in again because of my lack of identification. but delfin 5 pulled some strings (he knows like everyone in mazatlan, it's ridiculous.) and i was allowed in.

once inside they guys got some booze and we found a place to chilax. i saw a canadian that goes to tec with me, so i said hello. he ended up going over to my friends. now, this canadian speaks practically no spanish so it was interesting hearing my friends speak in english since they never speak english to least not in complete sentences. my friends also found it funny when i talked to english to the canadian because i never speak english to them either. they joked that they were really surprised to find out that i did in fact speak english!

it was really smokey where we were situated so we decided to move to the dancefloor. the music had gotten better so we all started dancing. then i found 5 pesos on the ground! we danced like crazy and had a great time! until delfin 3 started showing signs of boredom. it was ridiculously crowded and i usually don't like that type of atmosphere so i understand where he was coming from.

from frogs we went to pick up delfin 4 in his gated community. we had a little difficulty being allowed in, but we finally managed to get in. from delfin 4's house we went back to the restaurant parking lot and chilled. was a little bit cold! as we were talking we realized that somewhere down the beach there a was a party going on that was playing psycho! we decided to investigate. it didn't take long to find the party and once we got there we just let ourselves in.

that rave was probably one of the best experiences of my life so far. we all danced furiously! i also found 10 pesos on the floor! after an hour of bailando the music stopped, much to our dismay. the guys were so proud that i finally let go and just danced. they said i have become a fine psycho dancer and proud to call me their own......on the way home we stopped off for some hot dogs. mine was free since i had found 15 pesos on the ground! score!

at 6am i finally arrived at my house and i said a "special" goodbye to delfin3 because he's going to school in guadalarja and we won't be able to see eachother in a while. sadness. at least there's still the others and msn messenger! (which happpens to be immensely popular down here...)

now, i am sitting here jamming to my psycho music and trying not to talk. i am actually sucking on halls lozenges, which i never do because i hate the taste! but, that's all i could find without having to ask anyone! heheheheh! :P

so, here are the links and directions. check it out! if you feel brave enough to meander through the cryptic language of spanish websites!

alright, so i thought, i wouldn't be able to get links directly to the pics, but i can! so here they are!

delfin 3 and me!

obama and the first lady!

obama, the first lady, delfin 5, me, delfin 3!

delfin 5, jajajajajja!

p.s. a lot of you tell me you are following my blog, which i am deeply greatful for. thanks for staying in touch with me, it shows me how awesome my friends really are! also, if you don't have a blogger account, you should get one so you can officially follow my blog! because i know a lot of people read my blog yet don't have blogger, so do me a favor and become an official follower so i can put a number to how many of you read it....then i may be more inclined to write more regularly. and you can leave comments and such or ask me questions so it's not so one-sided! THANKS!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!

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