Thursday, February 19, 2009

Me Muero

Been really busy lately……My schedule consists of getting up, going to school, going to work, doing homework, sleep. I eat somewhere in there, don’t worry! :P
So, the other day I got one of the best compliments of my life…the Kristin glorifying went a little like this….jajaj……

I work for a company that is using some of the office space of a different company. They both happen to be friends. One of the owner’s of the other company works in the conference room, where the other intern and I futz around on the internet…, I work with this guy that I don’t really work with….jajaj…anyways this guy usually gets done at the same time as me so he takes me home, because I live kinda far away…..

Obviously, we listen to his music on the way home… but sometimes it’s bad….:P the other day he had been playing songs that described how he was feeling, which was depressed, so I played him songs that I had that gave him advice….great fun… I suggested that we listen to my music on the way home last night. He agreed….he really liked my music, so he asked if I wouldn’t mind going to a place where we could just park the car and listen to music. I had nothing to do, so off we went.

I had been playing all of my awesome techno music when he decided to browse through my iPod. He got to my “Spanish music playlist” so I played one of my favorite songs….i started singing away like I usually do and he had this strange look on his face. It looked as if he was perplexed or he was thinking super hard. After I stopped singing because of his facial expressions he turned down the music and gave me one of the best compliments ever. He said, “The other day when you were singing a song in Spanish I wasn’t sure if it was you that I was hearing, but now that I hear you now I have to tell you that you sing as if a Mexican were singing.” He couldn’t wrap his head around the idea that I was able to sing like that. I told him I was very good at mimicking people when I sang. So I then sang a song in Finnish, Farsi, Russian, and Chinese. Since he speaks 5 languages and has a good grasp hearing the differences between sounds and such……he was very impressed with my very useless skill.

So now all I have to do is learn how to speak Spanish like a native. I can’t just go around singing random tidbits of songs and weave them into conversations…..okay, I could….and have…..but that’s not the point of being here!

So Carnaval started today….it’s going to be 6 days of pure craziness! Unlike most things in Mazatlan, Carnaval is actually like a 5 minute walk from where I live!!!!! I’m pretty excited. Don’t expect a post in a while…but I definitely tell you how it went ….and there will probably be pictures!!!!!! W00t w00t!

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