Wednesday, January 28, 2009

LOS DELFINES! : part 2

as promised, here is part 2!

that night.....i met up with the "non-delfin" and we rode the bus to the house of delfin 3. "non-delfin" and i had a great chat, i enjoyed it immensely, plus he is the only that doesn't speak in english (or try to) so i'm forced to speak spanish. thank you "non-delfin", i am forever indebted to you!

we arrived at delfin 3's house and listened to some awesome technoyish music. delfin 3 turned on his black light and we started raving! well, they did....and i watched! they were very impressed (or surprised!) when they found out that my sister and i own 4 black lights! TECHNO TWINS!!!!!!!!

then we started walking to the party, only to call some guy to pick us up. he picked us up in the most awesome VW beetle from straight outta the 50's! it was awesome. once inside we were blown away by the ridiculously loud stereo system he had. it was probably put in their by the gang from pimp my ride! no joke!

we arrived at the party. no one was there. we chatted outside when the rest of the delfines (including the one who wasn't at the previous party) arrived. we all proceeded to get in our cars and buy booze.....and jammin' to belanova the entire way there!

the party was in full swing when we got back. i was really tired and nervous so i didn't do a whole lot. i talked a little, but most of the night i was just an observer. i didn't mind to much because i didn't want to think in spanish! but, unfortunately my wallflower phase came to an end when they decided to play calle 13's atrevete-te-te AGAIN!!!! no joke, everyone, i mean everyone, started hooting and hollering because they wanted me to "rap" again! they were so enthusiastically loud that i didn't hear the lyrics start. once i felt comfortable to jump in, i did! they loooooooovvvvvvvveeeeeddddd it. i was happy i could entertain them.
after that everyone wanted to take a picture of me shaking hands with "obama". the whole time "obama" was saying "MY FELLOW AMERICANS!!!!!" and "take a picture of me meeting with my fellow citizens of WISCONSIN!!!!" it was hilarious.

after things settled down, delfin 1, 2, "non-delfin" and i went to buy cigarettes. "non-delfin" was driving somebody else's car that had problems driving over the speed bumps. in mazatlan, there are random speed bumps everywhere. the car we were driving in had a "kit" (i don't know all these random car terms!!!!!) that made the front of the car appear lower to the ground. only problem was that it always hit the ground after going over a speed bump. so "non-delfin" was driving so slow and very "angularly" over the speed bumps to try and prevent this. he wasn't very good at it. but it sure was fun to yell "ooooooohhhhh" when the car hit the ground!

we returned to the party to find the door closed and most of the party goers outside. turns out the party was over! we talked outside for about an hour before i finally convinced the guys to take me home. on the way home we had to stop by the infamous dolphin fountain, which was where they were christened "LOS DELFINES!!!!"

delfin 3 got out his phone to take a picture when i told them all to wait. i went back to the car and whipped out my awesome camera. "AAAWWWW delfin 6!!!!!!!!!!" they all shouted at me, very happy to have a properly functioning picture taking device. from there we went on a picture taking frenzy. we climbed into the monument and took lots of pictures and had lots of fun!! then delfin 3 jokingly said we should go to el faro (the lighthouse) since were up and pretty close to it. i agreed. he didn't believe me. i said yes, again. soooooooo off we went to el faro at 4 AM!!!!!

walking up that hill was the worst idea ever! we were so tired! it was so hottttt!!!! it was torture! but then we arrived at the top and it was all worth it! we started taking more pictures, this time though, the guys were shirtless! (they had all magically lost their shirts on the way up the hill.....hmmmmm....? :P ) at 5 AM we decided that we should go home and get some rest. at the bottom of the hill i couldn't stop my legs from trembling! i was so tired and hungry!!!!!!

i arrived home and we bid our farewells with promises of seeing each other some time soon.
turns out it was sooner than i thought because on tuesday i went to the beach with delfin 3 and we ended up seeing "non-delfin" working at a restaurant close to beach we went to, so we stopped by to talk to him. he gave us free drinks and made us an espresso! (again for free). while we were there i got invited to go to delfin 3's house to watch movies with them today! (wednesday!)

crazy! yay! i have friends! you guys were right, things do get better! i shall no longer complain about being lonely! although, i still miss you guys! can't wait to get back and see you all!

p.s. most of the pictures are on facebook.....*smiles mischievously*

1 comment:

  1. I'm not going to lie. When I said hang in there things will get better I meant that it might take awhile. I am immensely glad however tht things have turned around so quickly! Huzzah for mas peeps!
